It’s important to take good care of your piercing so it heals well.
- Rinse mouth after your main meals with a mouthwash containing no alcohol.
- For the rest of the day, if you drink anything other than water, nibble between meals or smoke, you should rinse your mouth with a Wound Wash such as NeilMed or Arm&Hammer available in
Pharmacy in the First Aid section. Overuse of the mouthwash may cause oral flora problems and is not recommended.
- Consumption of alcohol, spicy foods and dairy products is not recommended as long as the wound is inflamed (usually one week).
If your piercing is partly outside the mouth, as in the case of various labret piercings or cheeks, follow the instructions for regular piercings for the external part.
In case of problems, complications or any question or concern, do not hesitate to contact me.